2020 Blog and Instagram Goals

I highly doubt that I am the only one that has ever been in a rut when it comes to blogging and Instagram. I love both platforms, but sometimes I just get burnt out. This post is all about changing up my style and direction with them both. It’s okay to grow and evolve, and that’s exactly what these goals are all about. Enjoy my 2020 goals for my Instagram and blog vision!


  • LOVE


  • I only post photos that I love
  • I post once a day
  • 3 sponsorship/ collaborations a month
  • Constant photo shoots
  • New theme and direction
  • New audience
  • Buy a bad ass camera for better quality photos and content
  • Only follow those that inspire me


  • I post relative blog posts
  • I post once a week
  • I collaborate with more creators
  • Website makeover



5 Goals for Instagram

I have been on Instagram for over four years now. In that time, my style and interest have shifted dramatically. Today I am sitting down to let you in on my new goals for Instagram. These are goals that I believe will help to grow and inspire those that follow along with my life.

  1. I like to constantly set new goals for myself to see what I can achieve. As of right now, my follower count is at 3,417. My number one goal is to get my follower count to 5K. Yes, I do understand that my follower number isn’t what matters the most, but it feels good to know that my Instagram is growing.
  2. My second goal is to try something new. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the lack of time that I already have, so I don’t always get to try different things. I am going to make it a priority to go visit new places and have photoshoots at times that I typically wouldn’t.
  3. Another Instagram goal of mine is to post on my story at least once a day. I know that people are looking at stories more now than they are posts on the grid.
  4. Becoming more steady with posting. Sometimes, as I said before, time slips away from me. Then before I know it, it has been 4 days since the last time that I shared anything with you. I’m going to push myself to become more consistent with everything on Instagram. Taking photos, posting, and interacting with more people and brands.
  5. My final goal for Instagram that I’m going to share with you; is to become more inspired and roll with it. Sometimes I forget to just take a minute for myself and live in the moment. The only way that my Instagram can thrive, is if I also thrive.

To wrap up this post, I just want to thank you for reading along and taking a look into my Instagram goals. I encourage you to sit down and write 5 of your own goals for whatever you would like to achieve. I am going to turn this into a series and call it my 5 Series. I know, typical, but whatever works.

If you are not already, make sure that you are following along on my Instagram. Send me a message and let me know that you came from the blog. I love meeting and chatting with new people.

Setting Goals For The New Year: 2019


We are about to step into the new year and for most of us, that means that it’s time to plan new goals. Today’s blog post is all about setting goals for the next year. If you are a goal setter like I am, then you’re going to love this post!


When it comes to planning out my goals, I love to set my overall goals and then I also set monthly goals. A tip that I learned from a friend, is that it’s great to set a timeline out for each goal. So without further ado, here are some of my goals for 2019.




  • I’m going to put all that I can into my blog and Instagram. Writing and creating content is such a passion of mine, so why push it off to the side? This is going to be my year to shine!
  • To piggyback off of that goal, my next would be to have a new blog post up once a week. Content, baby, content.
  • Say yes to more things. A lot of times I will turn down an invitation somewhere because I get scared to try something new. No more of that! This year I will be saying yes to almost everything. I will be even saying yes to myself this year.
  •  Books; Next year I’m going to read or listen to a new book every month.
  • Next year is going to be all about concerts and festivals. I am a huge lover of music, so every concert that comes my way, I am going to make it a point to go. It’s all about the experience.
  • In 2019 I’m going to try my hardest to save as much money as I possibly can. My dream one day is to own my own home. So saving money would help out tremendously.
  • Learn to live a little. I’m constantly working, and if I’m not working, I’m sleeping. Next year I’m going to start taking more time for myself. It’s okay to have fun every once in a while.



I would love to hear some of your goals for the next year. Let me know if any of my goals are on your list. I love you and I will talk to you in the next post.


Outfit Deets:

Shirt: Asos Curve

Jeans: Forever 21 Plus


Please make sure to leave blog post suggestions in the comments.


5 Tips for Bloggers Taking Photos in Public

As a blogger in a city that isn’t Los Angeles, I get a lot of weird looks from people when I am taking blog photos in public. When I first started blogging, those look from people would bother me so bad, I wanted to stop taking photos and go home. Now I could care less about what people think of me, especially when I am posing to get that perfect shot. In this post, I am going to share 5 tips on how to feel more comfortable when it comes to taking photos in public. If you are someone that is a beast when it comes to taking photos in public, then congrats, you’re winning at life. IMG_5577 2IMG_5578IMG_5584IMG_5590IMG_5591 

Tip #1

My first tip is to remember that you most likely won’t ever see the people that are staring at you again. If you ever happen to run into them on another day, there is a good chance that they are not going to remember you.

Tip #2

Take someone with you that you are comfortable around. With them encouraging you, it makes it that much easier to smile, take a great photo, and have an amazing time.

Tip #3

Try to start out somewhere that doesn’t have a ton of people, but still in public. For example, go to a park to take some photos, compared to a coffee shop downtown. Ease your way into it.

Tip #4

Practice makes perfect! The more that you go out in public and take photos, the more comfortable you will feel.

Tip #5

My last tip is just to have fun! Remeber that you are taking these photos for you and your audience. You’re not taking them for the random person walking by. You are obviously passionate about these photos, so anyone else’s opinion shouldn’t matter, so just have fun!

I hope that these tips helped you out a little. I would love to know any tips that you have, leave them in the comment section! 


All photos were taken by Kaya Irene Photography

My dress is from Forever 21

10 Tips for New Bloggers

The number one question that I get asked is “I am starting a blog, do you have any tips for me?”. The answer is yes I do! I have been blogging for almost four years now and have learned some things along the way.

Continue reading to get my blogging tips! Make sure that you are following my blog for more posts like this!


  1. The first tip that I have for anyone, is to make sure that you choose a topic that you love. Blogging takes a lot of time and effort, so you want to make sure that you are enjoying the time that you invest in.
  2. Tip number two is to make blogging friends! Connecting with people can be very helpful, they can share advice and you can share your advice with them! There are so many different opportunities that can come out of just being genuine friends.
  3. Number three, stay consistent. I am sure that this tip doesn’t just apply to blogging. If you are trying to gain your Instagram following, YouTube channel, or anything else, you must stay consistent.
  4. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Blogging has pushed me outside of a box that I didn’t even realize that I was in. Taking photos in public use to terrify me! Now I can give two fucks if people are looking at me weird. They are never going to see me again.
  5. Use the resources that are given. Take advantage of hashtags, tags, and sharing! Try sharing your blog posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
  6. Just like YouTube, titles are important. Make sure that the titles are going to catch your reader’s attention.
  7. Add pretty photos, readers like visuals.
  8. Scheduling blog posts ahead of time is a great way to save time.
  9. Collaborate with other bloggers. This helps to grow your blog following and introduces your blog to a whole new audience.
  10. Remember to have fun! Don’t feel like you have to write posts, it’s going to take the fun out of blogging and you will get burnt out. Blog when you want to and mix it up every now and again.

Wedding Wednesday: Reasons to Hire a Planner

Ah, welcome to another Wedding Wednesday. I hope that you are enjoying these posts because I am having the best time writing them! Today I want to give you a few reasons why you should hire a wedding planner and/ or coordinator. This post is in collaboration with my Aunt Cindy, she created these visuals for me to share! 



There you have it! If you are in Bakersfield, Ca and are looking for some planners, make sure to check us out on Instagram.